Praise God for:
  • The seriously injured soldiers in Mariupol who have been able to attend the hospital in Novoazovsk for medical care.
  • O who received a lung transplant last week in India.
Please pray for:
  • The military men who have been taken out of Azovstal and are in Oleniovka now (Crimea), these are occupied areas.
  • An exchange of prisoners between the counties and that the Azovstal defenders can come home, this is what has been agreed but, please pray it will happen.
  • The soldiers who have been captured that they will not be tortured and that the Russian plans will be defeated.
  • O following her lung transplant surgery. Pray that God will heal her body and that the new lung will not be rejected. Pray that the doctors will have wisdom with regards her further care and treatment.
  • Our worker L who holds a GNC in her home. There has been a tragedy in the home of two children who attend her club. The mother burnt herself during an argument with their father and died on Tuesday (17th) night. Please pray that the children and their father will come to know the Lord as their Saviour. Pray that L will have discernment as she visits and that God will give her His words to share with the family and that they will bring comfort at this difficult time.