Praise God for:

  • The preservation of the national office in Irpen, A’s house in Irpen and M’s house in Bucha.
  • Answering prayer about O.  He lived in the occupied Katiuzhanka and God saved his life.
  • Allowing O’s wife and seven children to evacuate to a safe place in Germany.
  • The safe evacuation of S with her husband and children to the region of Ivano-Frankivsk, western Ukraine.

Please pray for:

  • The eastern region where all Russian machinery and troops are going to attack.  Please pray that their plans will be defeated and that God will cause confusion among their troops.
  • Peace to become a reality in all areas of Ukraine.
  • Easter outreach which will be held in the Ivano-Frankivsk region.  This will include outreach in Kolomyia town near the house or Prayer and also in a children’s rehabilitation centre.  There will also be outreach among the orphans in Vorokhta.
  • Opportunities for outreach in Sniatyn town
  • God’s help for the workers as they prepare Easter programs and that God will prepare the team.
  • Finances to be available to prepare the Gospel backpacks and that children and parents’ heart’s will be open to hear the Gospel.