Praise God for:

  • Our brothers who transport the Gospel backpacks and tracts into Ukraine.
  • This outreach to evangelise families, share the burden and provide aid for those who are suffering.
  • Those who faithfully pray for the workers and the situation in Ukraine

Please pray for:

  • The day camps which will be held from the 27th June to the 1st of July in Cherkasy, Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Zhytomyr and other regions.
  • God’s strength for each worker and volunteer.  Pray that they will know the Holy Spirit guiding their words, thoughts and that they will see God working in the lives of the children.
  • Protection for everyone involved with running the camps and those who attend them.
  • God to protect the cities in Ukraine from the rocket attacks.  Pray His angels will surround His children and preserve their lives and homes.
  • The people of Ukraine to seek God’s forgiveness and that as a nation they will turn to Him in prayer for their deliverance.  Pray that the watching nations will see that we serve a mighty, sovereign and merciful God who not only hears but praise God answers our prayers!