Praise God for answered prayers for:

  • Allowing the safe evacuation of T and her relatives from Severodonetsk in Lugansk, eastern Ukraine to stay with relatives in Chernivtsi, south western Ukraine.
  • Retired workers V and G by protecting their lives. On the night of 20th March, they spent the night at the seminary building in Irpen, during the night their private home was destroyed by the bombing. Thank God they travelled safely to stay with their daughter in Beregovo, western Ukraine.
  • T and S’s relatives who have been kept safe in Odessa, south western Ukraine and other family members in Gorlovka, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine.
  • T and S by providing a safe and quiet place for them to stay in Czech Republic.

Please pray for:

  • V and G that they will return to full health again.
  • T and S as they plan to hold a GNC for refugee children twice a week. Pray that God will give them wisdom as they share His Word and that He will open the heart’s of the children to hear His Word.
  • Pray they will have more opportunities to serve among Russian, Ukrainian and Czech speaking children during Easter in GNC, schools, churches etc.