Satan tempts us to ponder our sin and relapses.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1 (ESV)

Satan loves to discourage Christians.

And one way he does this is to make us ponder our sin and relapses. In every way he tries to shine the spotlight on our sin and to conceal Christ. When influenced by him, I will think: “I commit the same sin again and again. My character doesn’t change. My interest in Christ, prayer and the Bible is low. My heart is hard and rebellious. There is hardly any difference between me and an unbeliever.” As a result, I feel desperate. I question if the Lord can ever use me in my ministry. I lose my joy and strength. I doubt my calling. – What I do not realise at this moment, is that I’m just adding another sin to the already high number of them – the sin of unbelief. God’s remedy for despair and discouragement is to focus on Christ and the following three truths and promises for every believer!


There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

It’s true, we are sinners, but in Christ we are sinners acquitted! It’s also true, in this life Christ will not free us from the presence of any sin, yet he has freed us from the condemning power of every sin. “The law cannot condemn a believer, for Christ has fulfilled it for him; divine justice cannot condemn him, for that Christ has satisfied; his sins cannot condemn him, for they in the blood of Christ are pardoned.”1 Instead of pondering your sin, ponder Christ’s work on the cross and the truth of our verse.


Sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace (Rom 6:14).

We are only under the dominion of sin, when we willingly and readily obey it. But in regeneration God has given us new desires, new inclinations and a new heart. We now see sin as a tyrant, whom we hate and only unwillingly obey. We constantly cry out to the Lord for help and victory.  And “this is the most certain truth, that God graciously pardons those sins to his people—that he will not in this life fully subdue in his people.”2


For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21).

In salvation we were made one with Christ. He is the bridegroom, His church the bride. Because of this wondrous relationship our debts are now His and His riches are now ours. Our sin is transferred to Him and His righteousness to us. Against this mighty remedy of God, all accusations of Satan are powerless.


It is right to regret and confess our sins, but wrong to fall into despair.

We are insulting God by this! What more could He have done to give us hope? My soul stop pondering your sin and your past. Look to Christ and His work. And then with a relieved heart focus on the real goal of your life, namely, to glorify the Lord through your life and ministry as best as you can and to enjoy HIM and His goodness now and forever.


1 Thomas Brooks. Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (Kindle-Positions 2123-2124). Monergism Books. Kindle-Version.

2 Thomas Brooks. Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices (Kindle-Positionen2147-2148). Monergism Books. Kindle-Version.

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