Praise God for:

  • The comfort we receive from His Word and knowing that He is our strength and our support.
  • Our sisters I and O who serve Him faithfully in Kremenchug, Poltava region, central Ukraine.
  • The opportunity to partially replace the windows in the office.

Please pray for:

  • God’s help for those who suffered during the attack at the trade and entertainment centre in Kremenchug.
  • God to protect the villages and cities from the shelling.  Pray and ask that He will supernaturally intervene in the war.
  • I and O following this attack and that they will know God’s strength physically and spiritually.
  • I’s mother who lives near the trade centre that she will come to know the Lord.  Her relatives and neighbours are under a lot of stress, pray that they will call out to God for salvation at this time.
  • I and O that they would have the opportunity to help the churches in Kharkiv to run children’s programs.  Pray that they and their families will know God’s protection at all times.
  • Internet access, electricity and running water to be restored in the office.
  • The Lord to burden the hearts of prayer partners who are fervent, faithful and full of faith.  There will be no physical breakthrough without a spiritual one.  We have the most powerful instrument given by God and it is prayer!
  • 2 Corinthians ch 10 v 4 reminds us “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;”  Please pray for more prayer partners to call out to God and that we will see the physical and spiritual enemy strongholds pulled down.
  • Jeremiah ch 33 v 3  Call unto me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.  May we all learn what it is to call unto God our God and see what He will do.