Praise God for:

  • Worker M who has a house in Bucha, Kyiv region but at present is living safely in Sweden and is able to continue her ministry online.
  • The co-operation she has had with Rebecca in organising meetings with the children and also for the delivery of Gospel backpacks for the children.

Please pray for:

  • The enemy to fail in their plans to capture fully Luhansk region and to join the Zaporizha region to Russia.
  • Ukraine to have the military weapons needed to protect their people and to fight back against attacks.
  • The possibility to have meetings with Ukrainian children in Kristianstad church, the first was planned for today.
  • The opportunity to have a meeting with the children of the church in Lund on 12th June.  Pray they will be able to invite children and that they will come and listen to God’s Word.
  • An opening to meet with children in Malmo and Geer where there are no churches.
  • The Swedish churches to accept the call to fill Gospel backpacks for the children.
  • M that she will know God’s timing for her return to her home in Bucha and that she will have safe travels through Poland.