Praise God for:
  • The team of Ukrainian workers who attended European Conference. We are grateful that they have been encouraged when meeting with Reese Kauffman and Iulian.
  • Safe travels home for every worker, especially those who returned to Ukraine.
Please pray for:
  • S as she now ministers in the Ivano-Frankovsk region, western Ukraine and for the opportunity to conduct evangelism programs for children at Easter.
  • The opportunities which she has for outreach at the House of Prayer in Kolomyia.
  • Outreach opportunities to orphans in Vorokhta city.
  • Outreach in Sniatyn town.
  • The team involved in preparing programs for the children and that the finances will be available.
  • Gospel backpacks to arrive and that God will open children’s and parent’s hearts to hear and receive the Gospel.
Photo’s of children receiving Gospel backpacks from Germany – 10.05.22