Praise God for:

  • The “Do you wonder why?” booklet and “Hope for Ukraine” backpacks which are being distributed.
  • Materials to hold classes for the children and teenagers.
  • Finalisation of the Easter program which has been posted on our websites, YouTube and Telegram channels.
  • His protection over the CEF Team.
  • The opportunity which the Y family have had to share the Word of God with their countrymen in Hungary.

Please pray for:

  • The financial situation and that it will be possible to transfer support through the banks.
  • The possibility to travel to Irpen and assess the situation for re-opening the National office there.
  • The team as they continue with their ministry especially over the Easter holidays.
  • The spiritual growth of the team in these tense war circumstances and that they will be united together through Christ.
  • The Y family that they will have many opportunities to share the News of truth with Ukrainians who travelled to Hungary.
  • Wisdom regarding the transfer of SPAN money to the workers in Ukraine.  There is an ongoing issue with the March transfer and unfortunately, it has not reached the workers which is a major problem.  Please pray that God will give the right contacts to all involved and that the money will be traced soon and allocated to the correct accounts.  Our God is able!